Ignition interlock devices require the driver of a vehicle to provide a breath sample before the vehicle starts. If the sample contains alcohol, the vehicle won’t start. Some people question how effective this is for stopping drunk driving. One factor that impacts the...
Empower Yourself, Know Your Rights
Can you choose what alcohol test to take for suspected DUI?
Getting stopped at a DUI checkpoint can feel stressful, even when you haven't consumed alcohol. Certain medications, medical conditions, or dietary choices can trigger false positives on breath tests, leaving you in a difficult position. This raises an important...
5 potential flaws of blood tests in drunk driving cases
Determining blood alcohol content (BAC) in drunk driving cases can rely on blood tests. However, like any scientific test, blood tests can produce errors. Several flaws can occur during the testing process, leading to inaccurate results. If you are facing a DWI charge...
What happens after I get caught driving while intoxicated?
Celebrating special events is something we all look forward to. We plan with people and aim to enjoy the night with good food and drinks. But what if we enjoyed ourselves too much and drank more than we should? Driving home, you get flagged down by police and mentally...
Passing a field sobriety test will not eliminate DUI charges
After law enforcement stops you and administers a field sobriety test, passing it might feel like a victory. Still, do not breathe a sigh of relief just yet. Passing the test does not equate to an automatic dismissal of driving under the influence (DUI) charges. Field...
Are breathalyzer test results always accurate?
Have you ever wondered about the reliability of breathalyzer tests? Law enforcers typically depend on these devices to determine blood alcohol content (BAC). However, they may not always be accurate. It is essential to understand what may affect breathalyzer results....
Understanding factors that may affect your blood alcohol content
You might wonder why your blood alcohol content (BAC) might differ from another person’s after consuming the same amount of alcohol. Several factors can influence your BAC. Understanding them can help you make more responsible choices when drinking. Below are the...
What could happen if a driver has a gun during a DUI traffic stop?
If the police witness someone driving erratically, they may pull them over to check if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. However, what if they find that the driver they pulled over is also carrying a firearm? While adults in Missouri can legally own...
How to protect your driving privileges after a DUI
Facing charges for driving under the influence involves complex administrative procedures that can significantly affect your life. In Missouri, these procedures include your administrative trial, which will dictate whether or not you can keep your driving privileges....
What to expect during a DUI stop
A traffic stop can be frightening, particularly if the police have reason to suspect you of drunk driving. The situation between flashing lights and loud sirens can be stressful and scary. You may wonder what your rights are and if the police officer can make you...