Empower Yourself, Know Your Rights

Skilled Kansas City Sex Crime Attorney Will Defend Your Reputation

Sexual assault charges are particularly serious in Missouri because a conviction could result in a lifetime on the sex offender registry. Your reputation, family life and employment options could be at risk. An experienced Kansas City criminal defense attorney can help you fight the charges and protect your future.

If you need help defending yourself against rape or sexual assault charges, contact me, sex crime defense lawyer Andrew T. Christie, at 816-533-3456 for a free consultation.

A Sex Offense Conviction in Missouri Carries Lasting Consequences

A sex crime conviction could change the course of your life, landing you in prison and on the sex offender registry. As an experienced criminal defense lawyer, I have defended many clients accused of sex crimes, including statutory rape, sodomy, possession of child pornography and other felony sex crimes.

My approach is to listen to your side of the story and analyze the facts of the case. I will explain your options and offer legal advice informed by my experience defending clients against sexual assault charges, including rape and internet sex crimes.

You Need An Aggressive Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer Prepared For Trial

Many sex offense cases go to court because the state prosecutes these cases aggressively and most defendants want to avoid a sex crime conviction at all costs. I am an experienced litigator who knows how to prepare for success at trial. I will fight to protect your rights and your reputation. At every stage of the process, I will keep you fully informed of your options.

I am available evenings and weekends to answer questions about your case. I also offer payment plans.

Providing Reassuring Yet Honest Answers

Sex crimes are a very taboo area of the law. As a result, few people understand them cohesively. Here, I have provided a few answers to some of my prospective clients’ most frequently asked questions about sex offenses to provide a better understanding of them.

What is the punishment for sexual assault?

A conviction for sexual assault tends to have very serious sentences, especially if aggravating factors such as the use of a weapon are involved. Common sentences include:

  1. Registration as a sex offender
  2. Mandatory ankle monitoring bracelet
  3. Probation for months to years
  4. Incarceration

Granted, every case is different and depends on a variety of circumstances.

What happens if someone commits child abuse or sex offenses against children?

Sex crimes against children are some of the most stigmatized and harshly sentenced offenses in the state. If you are convicted, you will almost certainly have to register as a sex offender, which prohibits you from going near schools and other areas. Even a mere charge can permanently damage your reputation in the community.

What are some common sex offense charges?

Some of the most common sex crimes include:

This is only a short list of the many sexual criminal charges in the books.

What is a sex offender registry?

The sex offender registry is a database of anyone convicted of qualifying sexual offenses.

What are typical punishments for sex offenders?

Many people do not realize that the punishment for sex offenders goes far beyond having your name listed in a registry. Sex offenders must also:

  1. Provide their address and register their address every 90 days with the state.
  2. Provide a DNA sample, palm print and photograph.
  3. Have their picture on a website of registered sex offenders.
  4. Provide their common usernames and screen names.
  5. Stay 500 feet away from schools and day cares.

As you can see, it is crucial to do everything you can to stay off the sex offender registry so you can enjoy a free, happy and private life free from the consequences.

Do you have additional questions about Missouri sex crimes?

Visit our Missouri Sex Crime FAQ page for more answers on sex crime allegations, charges and offenses.

Contact An Experienced Kansas City Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer

If you have been charged with a sex offense, contact me, criminal defense attorney Andrew T. Christie, of The Law Office of Andrew T. Christie, LLC, at 816-533-3456 or online for a free consultation.